Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

Have you ever noticed one day each year that everything turns green? It doesn't happen on the Vernal Equinox. And it's nice when the winter wheat starts greening up, followed by people's yards (those who actually have grass). Rather, this moment that I'm talking about happens a few weeks later. I noticed this year last Saturday, when we went on our hike. (see previous post) It had been rainy and then sunny for several days. It seems that the trees were still gray and brown when I went to bed, but Saturday morning they seemed to have sprouted a layer of green. They aren't leafed out yet, of course, but still appear green. It's such a wonderful sight.

I can't help but think of the way God is revealing Himself in this process...without a single word.
Every single year, the trees "die" and stand there completely dormant and ugly. This is us when we sin and lose sight of Jesus. But every spring, the trees come to life again with renewed beauty and vigor. When we repent of our sin and refocus our eyes onto Christ, we are refreshed and renewed becoming beautiful in His sight once again. I'm not at all thinking that God abandons us during those "ugly" times, but we all certainly go through them. He is ultimately displaying His faithfulness.

Now to a drastically different issue, I must go change a stinky diaper. I wonder what kind of spiritual lesson I'll get out of this????? ;)

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