Tuesday, May 29, 2007

One Piece at a Time

Well, it's been a slow process but we are getting there. Finally all the wall sheeting is up, the roof sheeting is on, and now we can move on. Getting the shingles on is the next step so that the inside will actually stay dry. (That'd be a good thing :) ) We are hoping to hire someone to do that but we'll just have to see if anyone is available for a reasonable price.

Courage/Bravery-is not the lack of fear, but doing what needs to be done in spite of fear. We could all use a little of this in life, couldn't we? I wouldn't say that I'm really afraid of heights, but they do unnerve me a little. Especially when you are 2 stories up, at the peak of the roof on a 2 foot ledge, trying to hang over it, to hold a board underneath said ledge. Repeat several times. I have 2 insights related to these experiences. One is that the more you do such crazy things, the less scary it becomes. And two, is that Jeff is quite amazing in all he does to get the work done on this house. I can only assume that he gets a little nervous doing such things, but doesn't show it in the slightest. What a man! So the moral of this lesson in relation to faith in Christ, is that no matter how scary the task (witnessing, teaching a class for the first time, venturing out of the 'ol comfort zone), you won't fall and next time it will be easier. Easier said than done, I know. If I could just push my faith as much as I push my body, I think the Lord would be more pleased with me.

On a lighter side, Caleb and Rachel (nephew and niece), are here. Caleb had his first experience with a circular saw. The first try, he missed the line completely. The second try, he was a whole lot closer. The third time's the charm because he did good on that one. He'll be a pro by the time 3 weeks is up.

Alright, onto the pictures:
These three pics are of the pieces that were finished up this weekend with the walls, and roofing.
Here's Caleb on the ladder, that's about as far as he would go!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Poor Help

I really feel useless this past week. I've had something going on every time Jeff works on the house. Last week it was a concert with my delightful Strings students. Saturday I had a women's meeting for church that took longer than expected. Now it's graduation season. There are some young teens at church that I really need to support and encourage by going to their special events. Then again, I feel like dirt to leave my wonderful husband to work on our house alone. What do you do!? Well, I went to one graduation, and I hope that Sosha knows how much I care and grows more faithful as a result.

Our adopted son, Bruce, has had family things going on so he was unable to help. All of this just adds to my feelings of inadequacy in just about everything I do. I'm spread so thin. But school will be over in just a few short days. That ought to lighten the load a little.

What is the moral of this story, you may ask. Well, the progress has been a bit slow this week. But hopefully you'll notice a few changes in the looks of the place. Much love to our family and friends who continue to help and encourage us. Here's some pics.

On Saturday, after I finally got home, we put sheeting on the front bedroom walls.

Monday night, Jeff started putting the roof sheeting on the front bedrooms.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Raise the ROOF!

In addition to getting those trusses up, those guys helped get the sheeting on. The back is finished and the front of the garage. This will be a work in progress over the next week or so. The different angles on the roof have to be tied together and then covered. This is a time consuming process. I did gain a new appreciation for this type of work when it was just Jeff, Ricky Kay, and myself trying to put on some sheeting above the porch. Wow! That stuff is heavy! I even had to get on the roof, by climbing a ladder on top of scaffolding, to help nail down some boards.

This is where my age is starting to become a problem. I'm feeling old. (Quick shout out to my friend Cristina who is suffering from the same age as myself- 30) I used to be a monkey. I could climb trees and rocks and whatever. Now, to get on that scaffolding, I was wobbly and could barely get on it! And then he wanted me to get on the roof!? Let's just say that my knees were a little shakey. Maybe by the end of this adventure, I'll regain some of my monkey-ness. Ya think? My mom told me this morning that I'm growing up since I have this little fear of climbing rickety things. I'm sure my 4 year old nephew wouldn't have the slightest hesitation climbing up there if his mom would let him. Obviously I'm not 4 years old anymore, but I just don't consider myself old enough to worry about climbing on this stuff. Ok, there's some rambling from my little brain, enjoy. Here's more pics.

Mike and Jeff putting some of that heavy sheeting on the back side of the house.

Here's the back of the house.

This is the front of the house. The garage portion of the roof was done on Saturday. The part above the porch is what Ricky Kay and myself helped Jeff with. Like I said, I have a new respect for this type of work.

Truss and Obey

What a weekend! Talk about changes (Roof Trusses). You guys are going to think we aren't keeping busy from here on out because it won't be so dramatic. My job was to do what I was told (Obey). I keep the guys supplied with bracing, and picked up any tools that accidentally got dropped. I'd like to think I was a little part that made a big difference.

Boy, did God pull through in a BIG way. First off, Jeff was kind of worried if we would have enough men to help out, and 7 men were there! SUPER! As if that wasn't blessing enough, he provided picture perfect weather. Yeah, it was a little warm for the guys, but I think it could've been 30 degrees and they would've been sweating. Let me just give a little thanks and Praise to God for Mike, Tim, Kevin, J.D., Jerry, and Bruce for all they did! Also, to my mom Tish for feeding the crew and Jeff's mom Ricky Kay for being a go-fer like me. Thank you, Sandy for being those extra hands that made loading sheeting SO much easier. May you all be blessed because of your efforts to help others! Here's the pics.

Here is the first roof truss. They say the greatest journey begins with a single step.

Here's the view from the back. The crane was bringing 2 trusses at a time. Those guys were really working to keep up!

Here's the front bedrooms getting set after all the others were done.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Taking Shape

Hello all, it has been yet another working weekend. Friday night, Jeff and I worked in the rain to get some of the top plates on. What is a top plate? Well, it's a second 2x4 on top of the walls to tie them all together and create some extra reinforcement. Saturday produced garage walls. A huge, huge thank you to Bruce who has been with us every weekend. We (Jeff) really appreciate your help! Tim also stopped by, right at lunch time. Hmmm. I think he planned that one! It was great to have his help for a little while! Jeff will be putting up some smaller closet walls this week to get ready for the roof trusses next weekend. (That'll be a doozie!) Here's the pics.

Tim and Bruce levelling a wall.

Jeff and Bruce

Here's the front view. Bruce learned how to cut 45 degree angles on these doors. :)

See, it's looking more like a house! Just wait til next week!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

All Work and No Play :)

Here we go! My computer is recovering nicely from it's surgery and I was able to get some pictures back. Special thank you to mom (Tish) for taking some shots on Monday.
We have all the exterior walls up, except for the garage. Most of the sheeting is on as well. You may not be able to tell in the pictures, but most of the interior walls are up now too.

On a side note, congratulations to Josh and Lindsey for bringing Baylee and Chloe into the world! What cuties! Also congratulations to Chris and Heather on their new baby, Luke!

Here's a view from the living room area looking toward the dining room on the left and the kitchen straight forward.

This is a view of the south (back) side and the walk out (West). Jeff put the sheeting on and then lifted the walls into place. I would not have thought of that! My Jeff's a smartie!!

He's got the whole house, in his hands! This is the wall between the living room and master bedroom.

From the garage side. It's hard to tell what's what, but the kitchen and dining room are on this side. We are hoping to get the garage walls up this Saturday.

This guy doesn't help much, but I thought it was a good shot of Tiny the Wonder Dog. :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Technical Difficulties

Pardon the interruption in updating. My computer had a little accident the other day. It ended up needing a hard drive transplant. I've lost some things and I'm still downloading the things that were backed up. Check back soon for more pictures. And speaking of pictures, my camera died too. Kodak wasn't very helpful with repairs but offered a trade in for more than I can buy a camera new. Isn't that just sweet of them?! Whatever. I'll post by the end of the week...I hope.