Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cute Comments

Lilian has just been busting with outgoing personality here lately. We spent a week at church camp and came back with a handfull of great Lilian quotes. Here's a sampling:

when supposed to be going to sleep, she figured out how to unzip the canvas windows in the camper. With her face pressed against the mesh screen yelling, "Corn! Corn!!". We have a friend she calls uncle corn.

After Jeff made her lay back down, she unzipped the other side and started yelling, "Help me! Help me!". TOO FUNNY!

While a friend of ours was holding a crying baby, lilian was very concerned and commented, "She's dripping".

Another one of her latest cutenesses is that she will grab our faces, turn it toward hers, and say, "Look at me!". I guess she wants our full attention like we want hers.

As usual, I'm amazed at how much I love this little girl. She's amazing!

Lilian has just been busting with outgoing personality here lately. We spent a week at church camp and came back with a handfull of great Lilian quotes. Here's a sampling:

when supposed to be going to sleep, she figured out how to unzip the canvas windows in the camper. With her face pressed against the mesh screen yelling, "Corn! Corn!!". We have a friend she calls uncle corn. After Jeff made her lay back down, she unzipped the other side and started yelling, "Help me! Help me!". TOO FUNNY!

While a friend of ours was holding a crying baby, lilian was very concerned and commented, "She's dripping".

Another one of her latest cutenesses is that she will grab our faces, turn it toward hers, and say, "Look at me!". I guess she wants our full attention like we want hers.

As usual, I'm amazed at how much I love this little girl. She's amazing!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Potty Training update

We've had some ups and some downs. As long as we stay on top of her, she will go accident free for quite some time. But I've tried to let her go until she tells me she needs to go potty, and the results are not as spectacular. Yesterday she went #2 twice and made it to the potty both times! However, she peed her pants 3 times!! AHH! So far today, we are doing better. I'm going on the assumption that this is all perfectly normal. We were playing with an alphabet toy that matches letters with an animal that starts with that letter...she correctly placed ALL the animals. I think she was matching animal pictures, but hey, letters will come soon enough. So while she was standing there recieving praise for being SOOO Smart...she peed in the floor. in progess...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Potty Training: Almost there...i hope

I think we are about 75% there. The marshmallows are a HUGE a fault. Now Lilian will sit on the potty forever, it seems, and says, "I go pee pee again mommy". Which, of course, nothing happens. But she is telling us when she needs to go. 1 accident yesterday, but it was in a pull up. So far today, we're good. I am not going to post every day because I think we are mostly there.

**quick aside** As I am writing this, Lilian was on the couch getting ready to nap. So I left her alone without distraction. I just heard her come down the hall and she's now struggling to get into her bed. She made it. I only assume she is going to sleep. We'll see. **

ok, so much for that. I guess she'll need some mommy snuggles....I don't mind at all. :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Potty Training: 1 Week

I decided to wait and see if Lilian would tell me she needed to potty. Yeah, didn't happen. I cleaned up several messes today. We were both frustrated. Lilian sat on the potty and cried while I cleaned up a mess. Jeff and I are both asking her constantly if she needs to go, giving her every opportunity to go on her own accord. Finally tonight, she said she needed to go potty. So i tried a new tactic...marshmallows for a reward. She was thrilled to get a marshmallow! Of course she wanted more, and I had to explain that she would only get a marshmallow when she told us she needed to go potty. A little while later, she said it again! This time she did two jobs! Oh yeah! #2 and #1! Yep, she got marshmallows. Then she was so excited that she did it, I about never got her off the pot! She's get up, look at it, and then say, "I go pee pee again!". She didn't get any more marshmallows. But, maybe I've found a ploy that will work. Credit goes to my friend Jill for the idea...that's what she did with her kiddos. :)

Potty Training: What day is this? I've lost track.

Ok, it's Tuesday, I guess we started 1 week ago from this afternoon. Yesterday would have been day 6. Not too bad overall. 2 accidents. I'm beginning to think my theory of embarrasment out in public is gaining validity. (we stayed home all day) We take her potty about every hour...and I guess I should slow up to give Lilian a chance to tell us she needs to potty. That will likely mean more accidents until she gets it completely figured out. She's gotta learn somehow. So that's where we are, a week into it.