Thursday, June 3, 2010

Potty Training: Almost there...i hope

I think we are about 75% there. The marshmallows are a HUGE a fault. Now Lilian will sit on the potty forever, it seems, and says, "I go pee pee again mommy". Which, of course, nothing happens. But she is telling us when she needs to go. 1 accident yesterday, but it was in a pull up. So far today, we're good. I am not going to post every day because I think we are mostly there.

**quick aside** As I am writing this, Lilian was on the couch getting ready to nap. So I left her alone without distraction. I just heard her come down the hall and she's now struggling to get into her bed. She made it. I only assume she is going to sleep. We'll see. **

ok, so much for that. I guess she'll need some mommy snuggles....I don't mind at all. :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Glad to hear today went so well! Hallelujah! Now maybe you can get rid of your stir-craziness a bit by getting out and about.