Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!

This is the second day I've had off from work! I guess you can tell, because I've finally got this blog caught up. Maybe I can do better's hopin'!

I thought the drifts of the roof were interesting!

Anyways, we got lots of snow and sleet. Jeff measured 8" in the yard this morning. It's drifted some, so that may not be entirely accurate. We did get enough to cover the grass and even the fields, so it has been a substanial snow! Jeff even had trouble getting in and out of the driveway for work. On bad days like this, I like for him to call when he gets to work. And he's good about remembering to call me. This morning, he called to say that he'd made it to work, but his truck didn't! OH NO! But, it was only stuck 500 ft. from the school. Thanks to the Bluford guy who pushed him out!

A special thanks to Shannon for blading off our driveway, too! (i doubt he'll ever see this, but he is on the world wide web now!)

I love the snow. I wish with all my heart I could've gone outside to play in it. Lilian is definitely not ready for this however. Maybe next year! I did bundle her up in as many clothes as I could for a little photo time. You see, they don't make heavy winter coats for infants her size. At least, not that I know of. They all seem to start at 12 mo. So she's got on 2 pairs of pants, 2 shirts (although the top one is like a heavy jacket thing), 2 pair of socks +booties, a hat and a hood, and one more pair of socks on her hands. What a TRIP! hee hee...please forgive me baby.

Here's Lilian playing, which is what we do most of the day! I love being home to play with her! Too bad I can't do it all the time!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

SO MUCH TO TELL-Part 3-first tooth!

If you look real close, you can see Lilian's first Tooth! (Click the picture to see it larger) This is quite a milestone here! And let me tell ya, she's been a crab. She was getting over her cold and she still has a runny nose. She's not sleeping good, spitting up more often, and drooling all over the place!

I ended up asking a lady I work with, Cheryl, whose daughter is 2, how her girl acted when she was getting teeth. She pretty much described Lilian! So we' d been keeping our eyes on her mouth. Jeff thought she had some pretty good bumps on her upper gums.

The next day, I went to St. Louis with mom, Stacy, and Lilian. I asked my sister, who is much experienced with her own children, to check out Lilian's mouth and give me her professional opinion. After sticking her finger in Lilian's mouth, she was like, "Yeah, hello! It's poking through!" You know, I may be a little green on the whole baby thing, but even I could've figured that one out! "Seriously", I said, "it was NOT like that last night!" And that's how we discovered Lilian's first tooth! She's still not done, there must be more on the way because we're still crabby, and drooly, and snotty. Be on the look-out for pics as soon as teeth are actually visible. :) In the meantime, here's some shots of our big girl!

Monday, January 26, 2009

SO MUCH TO TELL! Part 2-first major illness

In addition to all the pitfalls of our first roadtrip, Lilian was in the middle of her first major cold. Without being too graphic, I can't belive how much stuff can come out of such a cute little nose! We just suffered through with her until we made it back home. I took her to the Dr. and was told to keep doing what we were already doing. Mucus removal and saline. A week and a half later was Lilian's 6 mo. check-up. Which, she did pass with flying colors, except for this nagging cold. The Dr. did give her some antibiotics and she is better, I'm happy to report. Unfortunately, Daddy and I both had sinus issues, so she isn't going to have much hope in the future I'm afraid.

Now, she cries every time I lay her on the changing table, because she's afraid I'm going to get her nose. She'll stop crying when I tell her, i'm just changing her diaper. I'm telling you, she's a genius!

SO MUCH TO TELL! Part 1-first roadtrip

Believe it or not, I've been meaning to write an update for some time. Hang in there. Here's the account of Lilian's first roadtrip.

Think back to before Christmas. Yeah, I know, it's been a while. Well, this was Lilian's first big trip to TN to be with Uncle Scott and Aunt Stacey and the other family there. Let's just say the trip isn't one I'm anxious to repeat. First of all, it was nasty weather. It was freezing rain all morning, but since we were heading South, Jeff decided to go ahead. We ended up leaving home at 3:00 PM. Here's our list of stops...Dix (2 miles from home) to get sodas. Mt. Vernon (10 miles from home) to get Lilian's Christmas pictures from Sears. Ina (25 miles from home) to drop off my sister's share of the pictures we just picked up. Finally, we were on the open road...only to stop 5 miles from Paducah (a scheduled stop) because someone (not me) couldn't hold it any longer. We finally made it to Wendy's for everyone to eat. And wouldn't ya know it, there wasn't a changing table in the restroom. Isn't that illegal?!?!? (Not that I cared before Lilian came along.) Anywhoos...we had to stop about 3 miles away at a rest area to change Lilian. On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again...SING WITH ME! ok, sorry, that's the music teacher popping out there. We managed to make only 2 more stops before getting to Scott's house.

Now, I must mention that we are taking a new route because Jeff got us a new GPS. Which was really nice, but he was still unfamiliar with the roads. And I can't forget to tell you that it's dark. And the best part was that it was raining the ENTIRE TRIP! Not just a little shower here and there, I mean it was seriously raining for the WHOLE TIME! So, here we are, on unfamiliar roads, in the dark, in the rain, with our not-quite-6-month-old on her first long trip. Are you ready to hear the adventures? Oh yeah, this story isn't over yet!

So Lilian enjoys play time in the evenings. With being tied down in a car seat and no light outside, she must have been thinking we were trying to put her to sleep. After crawling into the backseat, it seems that the dome light helped with her mood. However, I must remind you of the driving conditions...NASTY! Jeff is finding it hard to drive with the light on, and asks if there's something I can cover the light with to block his view. So, I pulled out a diaper and used the velcro straps to stick it to the car ceiling to block the light for Jeff. I really should have taken a picture because it was quite funny. I can only imagine what people thought to see us driving down the road with a diaper hanging from the ceiling. Hopefully your imagination is making you smile, at least on the inside! :)

The trip home from TN was during daylight hours, and it wasn't raining. It went much smoother. I don't have any stories to tell on that one. One thing I learned the whole trip, was that if there's a place that doesn't have a changing table, we'll find it!