Monday, January 26, 2009

SO MUCH TO TELL! Part 2-first major illness

In addition to all the pitfalls of our first roadtrip, Lilian was in the middle of her first major cold. Without being too graphic, I can't belive how much stuff can come out of such a cute little nose! We just suffered through with her until we made it back home. I took her to the Dr. and was told to keep doing what we were already doing. Mucus removal and saline. A week and a half later was Lilian's 6 mo. check-up. Which, she did pass with flying colors, except for this nagging cold. The Dr. did give her some antibiotics and she is better, I'm happy to report. Unfortunately, Daddy and I both had sinus issues, so she isn't going to have much hope in the future I'm afraid.

Now, she cries every time I lay her on the changing table, because she's afraid I'm going to get her nose. She'll stop crying when I tell her, i'm just changing her diaper. I'm telling you, she's a genius!

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