Tuesday, January 27, 2009

SO MUCH TO TELL-Part 3-first tooth!

If you look real close, you can see Lilian's first Tooth! (Click the picture to see it larger) This is quite a milestone here! And let me tell ya, she's been a crab. She was getting over her cold and she still has a runny nose. She's not sleeping good, spitting up more often, and drooling all over the place!

I ended up asking a lady I work with, Cheryl, whose daughter is 2, how her girl acted when she was getting teeth. She pretty much described Lilian! So we' d been keeping our eyes on her mouth. Jeff thought she had some pretty good bumps on her upper gums.

The next day, I went to St. Louis with mom, Stacy, and Lilian. I asked my sister, who is much experienced with her own children, to check out Lilian's mouth and give me her professional opinion. After sticking her finger in Lilian's mouth, she was like, "Yeah, hello! It's poking through!" You know, I may be a little green on the whole baby thing, but even I could've figured that one out! "Seriously", I said, "it was NOT like that last night!" And that's how we discovered Lilian's first tooth! She's still not done, there must be more on the way because we're still crabby, and drooly, and snotty. Be on the look-out for pics as soon as teeth are actually visible. :) In the meantime, here's some shots of our big girl!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Aawww, it's so fun to find that first tooth! She's such a cutie!