Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy 9 Mo. to my Big Girl!

Yes, can you believe Lilian is 9 months old?!?!?! She has been a pure delight overall (minus the hour she screamed last night) ;)

Our sweet little 7 lb 7 oz baby girl is now 19 lbs 1 oz and a whopping 29" long! According to the Dr. and Mary Poppins, she is practically perfect in every way!

Lilian can stand up with the assistance of any semi-stable object. She can walk while holding our hands. She has finally gotten her 3rd tooth, which isn't one of the top ones, it's another one on the bottom! The Dr. told us to feed her food first and then her bottle for dessert. However, Lilian would rather eat so we have to do it the other way around in order for her to get enough nutrients. Wierd girl! :) You should see her eat a cookie! It's so funny and cute.

Jeff had a sweet time with her last night. He went in to kiss her goodnight and he nuzzled her neck and said, "I Love You" and she giggled and squirmed. He kept at it for a minute. What a sweet moment with a girl and her daddy. (I'm almost 32 and I still miss my daddy sometimes.)

This weekend, we are headed to Columbia, MO to visit my good friend Jill and her family. Her youngest is 7 weeks younger than Lilian. I'm really REALLY looking forward to the visit but I'm kinda dreading the trip. So far, Lilian doesn't travel well. We are meeting Jill in St. Louis and then riding with her back to Columbia so I don't have to make the trip alone. What a good friend! Be on the lookout for some stories and pics from the weekend.

Here's a video of my favorite new Lilian trick!

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