Friday, August 22, 2008

7 Hours!!!!

Lilian slept for 7 hours!!!!!! (give or take a few minutes)

Last night, after she took 6 oz before bed, she went to bed around 8:30 PM. We went to bed very shortly after that. It's been a long busy week with schools starting up. Anyways, next thing we knew it was 3:20! Way to go baby girl!!!!! I fed her a little and put her back down. I was back in bed before 4:00 AM. Sweet!

I wish I could show you what she looks like now, but the flash would just wake her up. So, no, no picture right now. But her head is wedged in her side bumpers and her hands are up around her face. so cute.

I hope we are off to a great start on sleeping all night! I'll keep you posted. :)


Barb said...

Yeah! Rejoice in the little things. She is cute, but oh how fast they grow up. Our baby is 6 1/2.

Barb said...

Wow! Enjoy the little things and one day or night at a time. It is a wonderful thing to get 7 hours in one night. Woo Hoo! Keep relishing in her moments. They grow up so very fast. Our baby is 6 1/2.

What is up with those toe nails?