Friday, June 27, 2008

You Just Know, Right?

When will I know if I'm really in labor? The title is what every woman has ever told me, including my Dr. Apparently there is no clear cut answer, and I'm nervous that I'll mess up and not go in when I should. I've felt pretty rough the last few days, but not bad enough to go to the hospital. I'd certainly hate to make Jeff drive us all the way to St. Louis and then be told to go home. So the game plan for now is to take it easy through the weekend and then increase activities first of the week. My new appt. isn't until Wednesday. Although most folks around me are pulling for Tuesday. I wouldn't mind that as long as I "know" it's the right time. I guess I'm more nervous about not getting drugs than making it to the hospital. I think we'll make it there, but will there be traffic? will they say that I'm too close for the epidural to work? That's scary to me. But hey, I'm a cry-baby whiny butt, right Stacy and Jeff? I really just don't want to wait 2 more weeks for our sweet "Lilian" to arrive. Again, I have to go back to trusting in God. Wait a this a test?! AHHH! I fail these things so often. I'm a miserable creature you claims a faith in the Almighty God of the universe, and then I get on these little self pity fits and He has to remind me that He has never let me down...He's not going to this time either...and to hang in there. Why does God mess with me? I know He loves me but sometimes, I sure don't know why He doesn't just zap me into oblivion. Good thing I'm not God, I don't have the patience. Regardless, He is a faithful, merciful, HOLY God full of grace, righteousness, and wisdom. What would I ever do without Him? What DO people do without Him?

maybe I'll post baby pictures next time...;)


Debby Woolbright said...

Like my Mom told me. (This was BEFORE epidural's, by the way)!! Look how many people there are in the world. And they/we all got here one of 2 ways. So there's nothing to be worried about and ESPECIALLY when you have THE ALMIGHTY GOD of the universe on your side!

Love you Tia. And you'll "just know" when it's time to go. Just like when you "just knew" Jeff was the "ONE" for you. God is always faithful.

Love and Prayers,


Anonymous said...

I like your blog. Your funny!
