Here I am still trying to get this all updated. We moved into the house in October, and at the end of November, we announced that we are having a baby! I'll try to make this long story short...
I made the Dr. appt before we announced. On the way to St. Louis I told Jeff that we had to have all our kids before this guys retires because he's just the best Dr. I've ever been to. Once we got to the office, we were informed that as of Dec. he was no longer doing OB. Figures. We are sad but understand that you just can't do this sort of thing forever. We tried a couple of Dr.s in his office and settled on another lady who has taken very good care of us.
At around 20 weeks, we found out that our baby is a girl. We are very excited about her arrival. Right now, we are leaning toward the name Lilian Rae, but that isn't set in stone. Around the same time, we found out that I was having some complications that could have been pre-term labor. After keeping a close eye on things, I ultimately went on medication to stop contractions and was put on "modified" bedrest. Sounds fun, but not really.
I missed the last 6 weeks of school, thank goodness that it's summer now and I'm not using any more sick days. My most recent trip to the Dr. showed that everything seems to be under control. I'm at 34 weeks today. 2 weeks from now, I'll stop my meds and we'll see what happens. My biggest fear, besides pain, is making it to the hospital and hour and a half away. Yikes!
As any of you who've had kids, you know these last few weeks are This little one is VERY wiggly and wears me out, considering that I sit on my butt all day long.
So I guess that brings us up to date on that. Here's a couple of pics we have so far... hee hee.
Hello, T-Bee. Was your doctor's appt. today? I lose track of all our combined dates. Love you!
I didn't know you were a blogger! :) I love the pic of you and Jill, I didn't realize she was cooking another one...her 3rd? I'm losing track!! I have a blog too, it's Yeah for babies!! ;)
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