When will I know if I'm really in labor? The title is what every woman has ever told me, including my Dr. Apparently there is no clear cut answer, and I'm nervous that I'll mess up and not go in when I should. I've felt pretty rough the last few days, but not bad enough to go to the hospital. I'd certainly hate to make Jeff drive us all the way to St. Louis and then be told to go home. So the game plan for now is to take it easy through the weekend and then increase activities first of the week. My new appt. isn't until Wednesday. Although most folks around me are pulling for Tuesday. I wouldn't mind that as long as I "know" it's the right time. I guess I'm more nervous about not getting drugs than making it to the hospital. I think we'll make it there, but will there be traffic? will they say that I'm too close for the epidural to work? That's scary to me. But hey, I'm a cry-baby whiny butt, right Stacy and Jeff? I really just don't want to wait 2 more weeks for our sweet "Lilian" to arrive. Again, I have to go back to trusting in God. Wait a minute...is this a test?! AHHH! I fail these things so often. I'm a miserable creature you claims a faith in the Almighty God of the universe, and then I get on these little self pity fits and He has to remind me that He has never let me down...He's not going to this time either...and to hang in there. Why does God mess with me? I know He loves me but sometimes, I sure don't know why He doesn't just zap me into oblivion. Good thing I'm not God, I don't have the patience. Regardless, He is a faithful, merciful, HOLY God full of grace, righteousness, and wisdom. What would I ever do without Him? What DO people do without Him?
maybe I'll post baby pictures next time...;)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
"See you next week, if not SOONER"
Yup, that's what the Dr. said this time. We weren't really surprised. I'll hit 37 weeks tomorrow so whenever whatever is the verdict now. Honestly, I've been feeling pretty good. I guess our little girl is just hangin' out. My mom promises that she won't stay there forever! I think she's right.
We've been doing a lot of praying that God will take care of the baby and us. He's never let us down, and I don't think He's going to start. So we are trusting Him and trying to enjoy the ride.
My family had a shower for me (us) this past weekend. Here's a couple of pics from that event.

Thomas was being helpful as I opened my presents!
We've been doing a lot of praying that God will take care of the baby and us. He's never let us down, and I don't think He's going to start. So we are trusting Him and trying to enjoy the ride.
My family had a shower for me (us) this past weekend. Here's a couple of pics from that event.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Well Done
My Dr. is very excited that we have made it this far, 36 weeks on Thursday. We were quite nervous that our little girl would try to arrive before she was ready. My mom calls this, "well done". Like she's a steak or something. :) That's ok, because I want her to be "well done".
There have been many people, including us that have been praying for her and me. You just can't convince me that prayer doesn't work. God has blessed our family so much in the last 4 years. I don't think He will change and let us down.
Anywhoos, I can stop taking my meds any time I want after Thursday and whatever happens, happens! I told Jeff this morning that we could very realistically have a baby a week from now! How crazy is that!!!???
Mom says I've started "nesting". I'm not really into frantic cleaning, but I'm very anxious to get the baby's room finished and my hospital bag packed. We aren't quite finished but here's the idea. I've also been working on my baby announcements, so that I'll just have to fill in the details when the time comes. Jeff has also been putting together baby items, like stroller, car seat, swing, and high chair. I'll do my best to keep you all posted on happenings in the baby dept!

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Dear Daddy,
I know things haven’t been as smooth as we’d have liked. I try to tell you often how great you are and how much I love you. But words just never seem to get the message across the way I want it to. Our little girl isn’t even here yet and you’ve sacrificed so much for her. I know I’ve complained more than I should, but you just keep going. I want you to know, really know, how much I appreciate you.
One of the things that attracted me to you in the first place was the way you interacted with people, kids in particular. You are playful and kind. And you care enough to not let bad behavior go on. You are loving. The way you’ve been talking to our sweet baby girl, I just can’t wait til you meet her in person! I want to see the look in your eyes.
This little one will change our lives forever, and we’ll wonder what we ever did without her. My prayer for you has been, and will be, that you will be a God chasing man. And from there, you will be a loving father to your children. You may not always be perfect, but with God’s wisdom and grace, you’ll certainly never do the job halfheartedly. I pray that you’ll be patient as she learns and grows, strong when she is trying that patience, stern enough to discipline in love, and full of forgiveness and mercy.
You are the love of my life and I’m sure you’ll be the love of hers. If you are nervous at all about this new adventure, I can’t tell. You are going to be a terrific daddy and I’m proud to be the mommy. Thank you for all you do. I love you, and so does Lilian*.
PS. She says she’ll see you soon!
*Not final name until we meet her*
I know things haven’t been as smooth as we’d have liked. I try to tell you often how great you are and how much I love you. But words just never seem to get the message across the way I want it to. Our little girl isn’t even here yet and you’ve sacrificed so much for her. I know I’ve complained more than I should, but you just keep going. I want you to know, really know, how much I appreciate you.
One of the things that attracted me to you in the first place was the way you interacted with people, kids in particular. You are playful and kind. And you care enough to not let bad behavior go on. You are loving. The way you’ve been talking to our sweet baby girl, I just can’t wait til you meet her in person! I want to see the look in your eyes.
This little one will change our lives forever, and we’ll wonder what we ever did without her. My prayer for you has been, and will be, that you will be a God chasing man. And from there, you will be a loving father to your children. You may not always be perfect, but with God’s wisdom and grace, you’ll certainly never do the job halfheartedly. I pray that you’ll be patient as she learns and grows, strong when she is trying that patience, stern enough to discipline in love, and full of forgiveness and mercy.
You are the love of my life and I’m sure you’ll be the love of hers. If you are nervous at all about this new adventure, I can’t tell. You are going to be a terrific daddy and I’m proud to be the mommy. Thank you for all you do. I love you, and so does Lilian*.
PS. She says she’ll see you soon!
*Not final name until we meet her*
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Pole Barn
Thursday, June 5, 2008
New House, New Baby
Here I am still trying to get this all updated. We moved into the house in October, and at the end of November, we announced that we are having a baby! I'll try to make this long story short...
I made the Dr. appt before we announced. On the way to St. Louis I told Jeff that we had to have all our kids before this guys retires because he's just the best Dr. I've ever been to. Once we got to the office, we were informed that as of Dec. he was no longer doing OB. Figures. We are sad but understand that you just can't do this sort of thing forever. We tried a couple of Dr.s in his office and settled on another lady who has taken very good care of us.
At around 20 weeks, we found out that our baby is a girl. We are very excited about her arrival. Right now, we are leaning toward the name Lilian Rae, but that isn't set in stone. Around the same time, we found out that I was having some complications that could have been pre-term labor. After keeping a close eye on things, I ultimately went on medication to stop contractions and was put on "modified" bedrest. Sounds fun, but not really.
I missed the last 6 weeks of school, thank goodness that it's summer now and I'm not using any more sick days. My most recent trip to the Dr. showed that everything seems to be under control. I'm at 34 weeks today. 2 weeks from now, I'll stop my meds and we'll see what happens. My biggest fear, besides pain, is making it to the hospital and hour and a half away. Yikes!
As any of you who've had kids, you know these last few weeks are quite...um...interesting. This little one is VERY wiggly and wears me out, considering that I sit on my butt all day long.
So I guess that brings us up to date on that. Here's a couple of pics we have so far... hee hee.
Beds and Baths 2
Here you go, the end of the house pics. The basement is unfinished, I'll get those on here in the next few years as we get it done. ;) Look out for future pics of the pole barn in the works.
Dining Room and Living Room
For some reason, I was having problems posting all these pics at once. I guess they are too big, so here are some shots in their own posts.
Living Room as from the Kitchen
Living room as from the entry way.
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