Friday, May 28, 2010

Potty Training: Day 2

Day 2 went pretty well! Better than day 1 and that's all you can ask right? We still had 5 accidents overall. After the 1st accident, I put Lilian on the potty while I cleaned up the mess. When I got back to the bathroom she had done a #2 job! So, I had to be proud of her because I didn't have to clean up that mess. All was well until after lunch. She would tell me immediately when she peed, but we still had to conquer the telling BEFORE the accident. We continued on good for a while, and she went down for a nap. She even woke up dry!!!! And went potty when she got up. We had another accident before we left for dinner at grandma's. And one more accident at grandma's. So we put her in a pull up. Of course we were taking her to the potty rather often. We went to look at some progress being made on Grandpa's new barn, Lilian said she had to go pee pee. I figured she had already gone, and there wasn't a bathroom nearby. However, I pulled her pants down and held her in a sitting position. It was quite awkward, but she peed!!!! Whoo hoo! It was a major milestone in my opinion! I know we are a long way from done, but I'm encouraged that she will get this eventually. :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Wears me out just reading it, but sounds like you're all doing great! Good job, Miss Lil!