Lilian is doing so well! Let's start with day 4. She was WAY crabby Saturday when she got up. Combine that with a nervous daddy (she went pee on him 3 times on wednesday) who took her potty every few minutes, and you had a situation where no one wins. I left to go do a youth activity at church. During that time, Lilian decided she needed a nap and slept for almost 2 hours! Well, that was good, and she definitely woke up in a better humor, but we had to go to a cookout later and I didn't want a crabby girl for that either! The whole time, she had stayed dry and everything was good. She did head back for a nap in the afternoon, but it was just a power worked. The only accident was right before we left for the cookout. We had a great time out at mom and Ernie's place, Ernie's daughter, Amy, was there, and my sis's fam all came. Lilian ended up with a couple of #2 incidents, but she did say she needed to go, but didn't give enough warning. Maybe the hotdog didn't agree with her.
On to day 5, Sunday. I was a bit nervous. We spend a good deal of time at church on Sunday, especially Sun. morning. I hesitated to put her in a pull-up because I was afraid she'd think diaper and just pee. But I couldn't risk an accident when it wasn't my carpet and apolstery. We took her frequently and she even told us when she needed to go! We did have a minor #2 incident at home before church, but ended up on the potty to finish that one. Otherwise, she was dry ALL DAY LONG! I'm certainly feeling good about things. I know there will be accidents, and we may have a bad day tomorrow...but for now, I'm so proud of my BIG GIRL!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Potty Training: Day 3
ONLY 2 ACCIDENTS! I am still taking her to the bathroom every 45 min-an hour. If I'm late, accidents happen. What I'm learning here, is trust my gut. If I think, "I should take her potty", I'd better not put it off. Oh the interesting side...we made a quick trip to take some things to grandpa and grandma Dorothy (Lilian says, "Dorfee") and she told us she needed to potty, and went sucessfully! So why doesn't she do that at home? Is she embarrased to think it would happen in front of different people? Who knows. My sister said that Nathaniel potty trained better on vacation than he did at home. HMMM....
Friday, May 28, 2010
Potty Training: Day 2
Day 2 went pretty well! Better than day 1 and that's all you can ask right? We still had 5 accidents overall. After the 1st accident, I put Lilian on the potty while I cleaned up the mess. When I got back to the bathroom she had done a #2 job! So, I had to be proud of her because I didn't have to clean up that mess. All was well until after lunch. She would tell me immediately when she peed, but we still had to conquer the telling BEFORE the accident. We continued on good for a while, and she went down for a nap. She even woke up dry!!!! And went potty when she got up. We had another accident before we left for dinner at grandma's. And one more accident at grandma's. So we put her in a pull up. Of course we were taking her to the potty rather often. We went to look at some progress being made on Grandpa's new barn, Lilian said she had to go pee pee. I figured she had already gone, and there wasn't a bathroom nearby. However, I pulled her pants down and held her in a sitting position. It was quite awkward, but she peed!!!! Whoo hoo! It was a major milestone in my opinion! I know we are a long way from done, but I'm encouraged that she will get this eventually. :)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Potty Training: Day 1
Lilian's asleep signaling the end of our 1st full day of potty training. I am not at all discouraged. I personally cleaned up 3 accidents and had numerous successes. She has yet to say, "I need to potty" or something along those lines. I've been taking her to the potty every 30-45 minutes. However, she was not so good for her daddy tonight. I went to Bible study. I was gone for less than 2 hours. Lilian apparently peed 5 times and 4 of them were NOT in the potty. I think daddy was ready for me to come home! But not before I stopped for some more laundry detergent. And so, we'll try again tomorrow...
Potty Training: Day .5
I took advantage of Jeff being home for the evening to start potty training so I could have some support. After Lilian's nap, we put her in big girl panties. We then went outside to check on the garden and Jeff put Lilian on his shoulders for the walk out there, (a risky move in my opinion), but all was well. We promptly came back to the house to get the tiller since we decided the ground was dry enough and then she had accident #1. All of this transpired in about 10 minutes time. Then Nana came over. Lilian is one serious Nana's girl. All was well for a while, I made supper, we checked on the garden again with Nana, and watched the finale of Biggest Loser. Lilian went to the potty twice successfully and had 1 more "accident". So for day .5 we are 2 and 2. Not too bad. Although, Lilian was SO excited every time Nana suggested potty (she's not that excited for me) that I'm kinda thinking she ought to just stay with us for a few days and we'd get this licked. But we'll see what day 1 holds. I'll keep you posted...for those who care. :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Jumping on the Trampoline
Lilian did quite a bit of jumping from her face. When asked why we (my sis and I) didn't stop and help her, it was simply because we were laughing too hard! Lilian had a blast and doesn't even have face burn to show for it! What a sweetheart! I can't get over her!!!! It's so fun watching her grow up and have experiences! Thanks Stacy for the fun day!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Picking Strawberries
As I was heading to my sister's house the other day, I noticed a local farm with pickers in the Strawberry patch! I got excited!!! It's still pretty early around here, but the thought of fresh strawberries was too much to handle! Too bad it was windy and 50 degrees, but that didn't deter us! We loaded up the kiddos and went picking! It wasn't good picking (as in, there weren't that many berries ripe), but it was one of the easiest patches to pick in, no mud or straw, just nice wide grassy areas between the rows. Apparently, they stay picked clean with people coming by and advanced orders! So here's Lilian and her cousins, at the strawberry patch!

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