Here are those hard workers pouring concrete to form the walls! They had quite the contraption going on there. (I'm sure that isn't the technical term for their equipment.)

Here are the walls once the forms were removed the next day! We are well on our way now! You can tell that we got a little rain. We've had a pump running for nearly 24 hours to get the water out!

Jeff will be putting in the downstairs plumbing and then those guys will be back to pour the floors. We are seriously seeing the need for the ground to slope away from the house so all this water will not flood our basement! Of course, Jeff knew that.
Looking good!
I drove by last night on my way to Grandma's and I saw that you had your floor trusses. Exciting. You and Jeff were outside working but I was running late so I didn't stop by to say hi. Then when we went home, about 9 pm, I saw you guys were still at it. Boy do I remember those days...really tough, but worth it. Have fun! It'll go a lot faster now.
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