Friday, April 9, 2010


Yeah, I know it's been a week since Easter, but hey, at least it's not been a month! It was a busy day. We were at church by 7:30 for an early service. The men cooked a delicious breakfast while the kids hunted eggs. We were lucky to have a beautiful day for the kids to play outside. Kids Lilian's age hunted in one room. It was cute though. I didn't get very good shots of her in her Easter dress, but here's what I got.

Best shot I have of the whole dress.

Lilian getting her Easter basket after church (we didn't have time to do it early!)

Giving daddy a sweet kiss. I love these kind of pictures!

Doing some reading...she's really into monkey's right now. :)

Can anyone resist this grin?!?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Holy Cow she is getting so Big!!! Where did that time fly?? Hope you guys are doing good. I am Not ready to move to Tenn but I am sure we will make it :) Love ya!