Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Friends

On the weekend of Columbus Day, Jeff and I, and some friends from church went camping. We did not see fit to take a 3 month old on a camping trip, so we left her with relatives. More on that later. But it just so happened that my longest standing and one of my very dearest friends was here from out of town. I really missed seeing Jill and her wonderful family. Especially her new baby, Kate, that was born 7 weeks after Lilian. Jill and I had, long ago, dreamed of growing up, getting married, and living next door to each other so that our kids could play together. And, as you may have figured, that's not how life has worked out. While we were camping, my mom took Lilian to church where she got to meet Kate. You can see them together in these pictures. Although Kate wasn't entirely in the mood for pictures. I'm glad I sent my camera so I could at least see the 2 girls together! I hope we can create some memories for these 2 kinda like we had great memories. Love ya!

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Jill said...


Jill said...

Wait!! They're holding hands in that first pic aren't they?! How adorable. I never even noticed that at the time.