I'm sure we will wake up from this dream one day...but until then, I'll just keep on! So far, Lilian has just been wonderful. I know newborns sleep a lot, so I guess we'll just enjoy it while it lasts.
Here's the basic schedule for the first 6 days of her life:
Granted, she was a bit jaundice, and that makes babies lazy. But she's coming out of that on her own. Here's a little story about that...we went to her pediatrician on Monday and we were sent for a follow-up bilireuben test (Jaundice). Fine and dandy, except for the lady that pricked her heel. I guess this particular test is not something she did on a regular basis. It absolutely broke our hearts to hear Lilian scream out in pain. It was all I could do not to cry. Daddy was holding her as I just watched. As this lady squeezed and squeezed her little leg and foot, apparently, Lilian is a slow bleeder. To make things worse, she dropped the vial of blood and spilled some of it. This whole process was lasting way too long to suit us and Jeff and I were both about to slap this poor woman for hurting our baby girl! She finally got enough blood and the test came back good so Lilian's getting better on her own. :) No more of that!
Lilian is waking up a bit more over the last couple of days. She is wonderful though! She'll lay awake on the floor and just look around. No fussing, no crying, no problems in the world. We are certainly hoping and praying that she is a sweet laid back, easy goin' baby. So far so good. She only gets up twice a night right now and that works for us to each have a turn and sleep the rest of the night. I'll be sad when Jeff goes back to work. :(
As for me, I love not being pregnant! My body is returning to it's "normal" state. Whatever that is..;) I guess I'll leave you with a couple of pics of the most beautiful girl in the world!