*It has taken me all week to get this post going. Got a new computer and it put pics in a different place...took forever to actually find them! Ok so, here we go!*
I know the girls have done and said many cute things, and I know I won't remember them all. I'll try to hit the high points here.
Lilian has really started to turn into a big girl and much less of a toddler. She can reach the light switches and can open the refrigerator by herself. She's been quite the talker for most of her life...for those of you who haven't experienced the mouth of Lilian...but she's just learning and attentive and perfectly willing to tell you ALL ABOUT IT! She's beautiful and funny, and a joy to be around. Of course, she's still 3, and all that being 3 involves. :) She loves to help me in the kitchen and she loves her little sister.
Hadley is 7 months old and wears 18 mo. clothes! YIKES! The Dr. told me last month that she was going to be a big girl! Only time will tell how big she will get. My younger sis outgrew me early in elementary school. I'm guessing my girls will be the same. Hadley is our happy, smiley girl. She wakes up in the sweetest moods, just ready to smile and talk and play. (Lilian...not so much) Hadley has 2 teeth, but is working on at least 2 more, I'm sure of it. She's got quite a layer of blonde fuzz on top of her head. And blue eyes...oh my! Lilian's have changed some but are still blue. Hadley's eyes look like the blue sea. (see reference pic)
We are battling the colds in our house. The weather doesn't help that it's cold one day and warm the next. But we are managing and life is good. Too good, really, I don't deserve the blessings and family that God has so graciously given me. I love my husband and girls more than I ever thought possible. (That's going quite a bit from my young, independent self back in the college days) But it just goes to show how God can work in hearts and lives, even mine.
Here are my 3 favorite people!

Lilian was lookin' all cute in a dress that came from Josie, thanks cuz!

Notice the orange nose here in these shots...we're stickin' with peas and green beans for a while now. :)