There are so many things that I need to remember about Lilian and Hadley and even now, I don't remember most of it, sad. We are definitely not documenting Hadley's life near as much as Lilian's. Again, sad. But I would never in a million years change the way our family has shaped up. We LOVE our family of 4 and cherish it...most of the time.
Well, here's the best update I can think of:
Hadley is about 2 1/2 months old and is consistently sleeping through the night. YIPPEEE! Now, I wish her almost 3yr. old sister would do that! Lilian whines and talks in her sleep more than anyone I've ever been around. Back to Hadley, she is almost 13 lbs, 24" long and is at the top of the growth charts. She is wearing several things 3-6 mo. sizes. I've already got a whole tub full of newborn clothes that I hope to never need again. RUMMAGE SALE! Just kidding, not yet. Hadley is a sweet little girl who's grin just melts my heart instantly!

Lilian will be 3 in less than a month! Where has the time gone? She's so big and for those of you who know her, TALKS so big! She is constantly talking. And, oh, the responsibility to see that she uses her gift of speech to be an encourager and a pleasant person! I hope we can get that job done. She is now getting herself dressed, all the way from picking out her clothes, getting out of the old ones, and getting into the new ones! So PROUD of my big girl! She loves to color and "DOT" (Thank you to my friend Jill for hooking us up with that one!) And Lilian is the queen of facemaking! Oh yeah, and Lilian has been singing along with some of the songs on the radio! Too cute, we all jam in the car when a good song comes on. She'll "hand" me a guitar pick and daddy his drum sticks...and let me tell you, we rock out! ;) Ok, I guess I'll try to get some pics going here! See ya next time!