A quick Lilian story...we were arriving at my Grandma's house for supper and getting out of the truck. Lilian is afraid of all things living and asked to hold hands because there might be a cat. Jeff told her to just walk up there because there was no cat in sight. Then she asked me to hold her hand, which I told her just to walk. Her reply, "I just want to hold your hand because I love you!". So, yeah, I held her hand. :)
Friday, December 2, 2011
Family Visit
We had a very brief but good visit from our family in TN. Aunt Stacey got some really sweet shots of the kids. We are all now looking forward to Christmas!
A quick Lilian story...we were arriving at my Grandma's house for supper and getting out of the truck. Lilian is afraid of all things living and asked to hold hands because there might be a cat. Jeff told her to just walk up there because there was no cat in sight. Then she asked me to hold her hand, which I told her just to walk. Her reply, "I just want to hold your hand because I love you!". So, yeah, I held her hand. :)

A quick Lilian story...we were arriving at my Grandma's house for supper and getting out of the truck. Lilian is afraid of all things living and asked to hold hands because there might be a cat. Jeff told her to just walk up there because there was no cat in sight. Then she asked me to hold her hand, which I told her just to walk. Her reply, "I just want to hold your hand because I love you!". So, yeah, I held her hand. :)
Saturday, November 5, 2011
I Love My Family
*It has taken me all week to get this post going. Got a new computer and it put pics in a different place...took forever to actually find them! Ok so, here we go!*
I know the girls have done and said many cute things, and I know I won't remember them all. I'll try to hit the high points here.
Lilian has really started to turn into a big girl and much less of a toddler. She can reach the light switches and can open the refrigerator by herself. She's been quite the talker for most of her life...for those of you who haven't experienced the mouth of Lilian...but she's just learning and attentive and perfectly willing to tell you ALL ABOUT IT! She's beautiful and funny, and a joy to be around. Of course, she's still 3, and all that being 3 involves. :) She loves to help me in the kitchen and she loves her little sister.
Hadley is 7 months old and wears 18 mo. clothes! YIKES! The Dr. told me last month that she was going to be a big girl! Only time will tell how big she will get. My younger sis outgrew me early in elementary school. I'm guessing my girls will be the same. Hadley is our happy, smiley girl. She wakes up in the sweetest moods, just ready to smile and talk and play. (Lilian...not so much) Hadley has 2 teeth, but is working on at least 2 more, I'm sure of it. She's got quite a layer of blonde fuzz on top of her head. And blue eyes...oh my! Lilian's have changed some but are still blue. Hadley's eyes look like the blue sea. (see reference pic)
We are battling the colds in our house. The weather doesn't help that it's cold one day and warm the next. But we are managing and life is good. Too good, really, I don't deserve the blessings and family that God has so graciously given me. I love my husband and girls more than I ever thought possible. (That's going quite a bit from my young, independent self back in the college days) But it just goes to show how God can work in hearts and lives, even mine.
Here are my 3 favorite people!

Notice the orange nose here in these shots...we're stickin' with peas and green beans for a while now. :)

I know the girls have done and said many cute things, and I know I won't remember them all. I'll try to hit the high points here.
Lilian has really started to turn into a big girl and much less of a toddler. She can reach the light switches and can open the refrigerator by herself. She's been quite the talker for most of her life...for those of you who haven't experienced the mouth of Lilian...but she's just learning and attentive and perfectly willing to tell you ALL ABOUT IT! She's beautiful and funny, and a joy to be around. Of course, she's still 3, and all that being 3 involves. :) She loves to help me in the kitchen and she loves her little sister.
Hadley is 7 months old and wears 18 mo. clothes! YIKES! The Dr. told me last month that she was going to be a big girl! Only time will tell how big she will get. My younger sis outgrew me early in elementary school. I'm guessing my girls will be the same. Hadley is our happy, smiley girl. She wakes up in the sweetest moods, just ready to smile and talk and play. (Lilian...not so much) Hadley has 2 teeth, but is working on at least 2 more, I'm sure of it. She's got quite a layer of blonde fuzz on top of her head. And blue eyes...oh my! Lilian's have changed some but are still blue. Hadley's eyes look like the blue sea. (see reference pic)
We are battling the colds in our house. The weather doesn't help that it's cold one day and warm the next. But we are managing and life is good. Too good, really, I don't deserve the blessings and family that God has so graciously given me. I love my husband and girls more than I ever thought possible. (That's going quite a bit from my young, independent self back in the college days) But it just goes to show how God can work in hearts and lives, even mine.
Here are my 3 favorite people!
Notice the orange nose here in these shots...we're stickin' with peas and green beans for a while now. :)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Where Have I Been?!!???!!
Yeah, I'm still here, we are all still here. Life has been in a bit of hecticness since Hadley's arrival, but all is GREAT!
There are so many things that I need to remember about Lilian and Hadley and even now, I don't remember most of it, sad. We are definitely not documenting Hadley's life near as much as Lilian's. Again, sad. But I would never in a million years change the way our family has shaped up. We LOVE our family of 4 and cherish it...most of the time.
Well, here's the best update I can think of:
Hadley is about 2 1/2 months old and is consistently sleeping through the night. YIPPEEE! Now, I wish her almost 3yr. old sister would do that! Lilian whines and talks in her sleep more than anyone I've ever been around. Back to Hadley, she is almost 13 lbs, 24" long and is at the top of the growth charts. She is wearing several things 3-6 mo. sizes. I've already got a whole tub full of newborn clothes that I hope to never need again. RUMMAGE SALE! Just kidding, not yet. Hadley is a sweet little girl who's grin just melts my heart instantly!

Lilian will be 3 in less than a month! Where has the time gone? She's so big and for those of you who know her, TALKS so big! She is constantly talking. And, oh, the responsibility to see that she uses her gift of speech to be an encourager and a pleasant person! I hope we can get that job done. She is now getting herself dressed, all the way from picking out her clothes, getting out of the old ones, and getting into the new ones! So PROUD of my big girl! She loves to color and "DOT" (Thank you to my friend Jill for hooking us up with that one!) And Lilian is the queen of facemaking! Oh yeah, and Lilian has been singing along with some of the songs on the radio! Too cute, we all jam in the car when a good song comes on. She'll "hand" me a guitar pick and daddy his drum sticks...and let me tell you, we rock out! ;) Ok, I guess I'll try to get some pics going here! See ya next time!

There are so many things that I need to remember about Lilian and Hadley and even now, I don't remember most of it, sad. We are definitely not documenting Hadley's life near as much as Lilian's. Again, sad. But I would never in a million years change the way our family has shaped up. We LOVE our family of 4 and cherish it...most of the time.
Well, here's the best update I can think of:
Hadley is about 2 1/2 months old and is consistently sleeping through the night. YIPPEEE! Now, I wish her almost 3yr. old sister would do that! Lilian whines and talks in her sleep more than anyone I've ever been around. Back to Hadley, she is almost 13 lbs, 24" long and is at the top of the growth charts. She is wearing several things 3-6 mo. sizes. I've already got a whole tub full of newborn clothes that I hope to never need again. RUMMAGE SALE! Just kidding, not yet. Hadley is a sweet little girl who's grin just melts my heart instantly!

Lilian will be 3 in less than a month! Where has the time gone? She's so big and for those of you who know her, TALKS so big! She is constantly talking. And, oh, the responsibility to see that she uses her gift of speech to be an encourager and a pleasant person! I hope we can get that job done. She is now getting herself dressed, all the way from picking out her clothes, getting out of the old ones, and getting into the new ones! So PROUD of my big girl! She loves to color and "DOT" (Thank you to my friend Jill for hooking us up with that one!) And Lilian is the queen of facemaking! Oh yeah, and Lilian has been singing along with some of the songs on the radio! Too cute, we all jam in the car when a good song comes on. She'll "hand" me a guitar pick and daddy his drum sticks...and let me tell you, we rock out! ;) Ok, I guess I'll try to get some pics going here! See ya next time!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hadley Kay
Friday, March 25, 2011
Busy Growing A Human
Among other things, growing a human has consumed most of my time and energy. Our dear 2nd daughter is due to arrive at any time, but we are sincerely hoping for Monday the 28th. I (with help from Nana and Jeff) cleaned the house over a week ago. Now I'm afraid it needs cleaned again. We'll see. I decided to take my maternity leave a few days early and I don't regret it. #1-I've had some sweet time with my only child for one last hurrah. Mind you, there are battles, but cuddling on the couch and hanging in our PJ's is a time I wouldn't trade for anything.
#2-I've gotten some more preparations done for #2 to arrive. Like room decorating...see pics at the bottom. Again, with great help from my sis, mom, and mom#2
#3-I have felt bad part of the time, so I'm sure I would have been worthless at work. No energy and discomfort does not make for an effective teacher.
So now, here we are, ready to roll, anxiously awaiting our new baby girl. Maybe soon.

Baby girl's room
It's a shame, but I didn't get any shots of the curtains or crib skirt that my mom#2 made for the baby. They are paisley designs with a light and a brown background. And the decal colors could not have matched more perfectly. I'm super excited! Ready to walk in there and pick up my new darling.

#2-I've gotten some more preparations done for #2 to arrive. Like room decorating...see pics at the bottom. Again, with great help from my sis, mom, and mom#2
#3-I have felt bad part of the time, so I'm sure I would have been worthless at work. No energy and discomfort does not make for an effective teacher.
So now, here we are, ready to roll, anxiously awaiting our new baby girl. Maybe soon.
Lilian's room
Baby girl's room
It's a shame, but I didn't get any shots of the curtains or crib skirt that my mom#2 made for the baby. They are paisley designs with a light and a brown background. And the decal colors could not have matched more perfectly. I'm super excited! Ready to walk in there and pick up my new darling.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Terrible, I know!
It's obviously been quite a while since I've updated here. My mom asked me just the other day if I write down some of the stuff that Lilian says and does...and I really need to. She then told me about looking at a "deer book" with Lilian. Lilian called the antlers, "Reindeer sticks". Too cute. Lilian is always reminding us to be careful and not hit the baby deers while we are driving. She is all the time saying cute things...here's what she's up to now:
Not really a saying, but she gets all excited about snow. She was quite disappointed to see the snowman had melted but was confident that daddy would build her another one. We are on a snow day right now (why I have time to update a little)
She's excited about Little Sister coming along. We talk about her often and I know Lilian will be thrilled to have someone else around. I predict a crash course in sharing.
We had a fabulous Christmas with lots of fun and presents. She made me feel giddy again. You know, that feeling you had when you were a kid, yeah, felt it again with her. I'm really enjoying our family right now. Looking forward to it being complete.
I guess I'll stop here and give you all some pics...that's usually everyone's favorite anyway.
Not really a saying, but she gets all excited about snow. She was quite disappointed to see the snowman had melted but was confident that daddy would build her another one. We are on a snow day right now (why I have time to update a little)
She's excited about Little Sister coming along. We talk about her often and I know Lilian will be thrilled to have someone else around. I predict a crash course in sharing.
We had a fabulous Christmas with lots of fun and presents. She made me feel giddy again. You know, that feeling you had when you were a kid, yeah, felt it again with her. I'm really enjoying our family right now. Looking forward to it being complete.
I guess I'll stop here and give you all some pics...that's usually everyone's favorite anyway.
I did not teach her how to do this...must be genetic.
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