Very mixed feelings today with a good bit of tired thrown in! Ever since I was allowed to start an orchestra in my school district, I've had a new passion and zeal for my work. It has been a long time dream come true. It's also been the most work I've ever done! Now on the flip side, Lilian has changed my life completely! She's the most beautiful, sweetest little girl I've ever known. And I can hardly believe she's my daughter! We've had a good summer playing together. Often I feel like I've failed at keeping her home as much as I'd like, but we've had a good time. I'm a little nervous to be dropping her off with someone else for 8+ hours a day, but I do feel like we have high quality people watching her. 2 days each week she gets to hang out with Ms. Sara and Emma, 3. She loves them and cries when I don't let her stay with Sara at church! The other 3 days each week, we are going to someone new, Ms. Laura just had a baby this summer and isn't returning to work. I hope Lilian likes her too! We'll see soon enough. I just comfort myself with the fact that LOTS of people do this and the kids turn out just fine. Lilian is a terrific girl and I'm sure I'm the one having the hardest time. Here's some pics...
These first 3 are by Maria for Lilian's 1st year pics! Gorgeous! Great job and many thanks Maria!

Playing with cousin Josie!

This was just too funny, daddy likes to play with Lilian during bath time!