Lilian is doing just fine and dandy. She is 2 months old now. And it just seems like she's been around forever now. At the very least, much longer than 2 months. People come up to us in public and comment on how tiny she is, we think she's HUGE! Her Dr. Appt. was Friday and all went well...until the shots. She is officially 11lbs 15 oz. But I say she's 12 pounds. And she is 22 1/2" long. What a growing baby! I must offer an apology to Jeff and Lilian. I had to leave the Dr. office before the shots because my orchestra group from school had a performance. Jeff had to handle those on his own. He said she screamed, but calmed down just fine. I'm sorry I missed being there.
Yeah, like the title says, she's still not sleeping through the night. But she is very scheduled to wake up between 3:00 AM and 3:30 AM. If we could just tack on another hour and a half, it'd be great! Here's a super cute picture of Lilian and her daddy. I LOVE daddy shots...maybe because I was such a daddy's girl and I miss him so much. Something special about daddies.